Urgent Care vs the Emergency Room
Many of the same concerns that wait in the Emergency Department for hours can be managed at True North Urgent Care in less than an hour, from arrival to discharge.

Not Sure Where to Go?
True North Urgent Care can manage many of the complaints currently seen in the Emergency Department. If you’re not sure, start with us. If your needs are beyond what can be provided in an Urgent Care setting, your healthcare professional will facilitate your transfer to the Emergency Department. True North Urgent Care will send pertinent information in advance of your arrival outlining your care needs.
Why Should I Choose True North Urgent Care
True North Urgent Care is designed from start to finish to provide efficient and cost effective healthcare. The founders and managing medical team have worked for decades in both the Urgent Care and Emergency Department settings. We understand both very well. The reality is that a lot of the medical care you need can be provided at True North Urgent Care. If you require the services of the Emergency Department, we will quickly facilitate your transfer and notify the Emergency Department of your medical needs.